Kw**********(I have the next 40 characters, just not posting for obvious reasons), so I am missing 10 characters in all.
I also have the public key. Is it possible to use this software to start a search at Kw... and iterate over the missing 10 characters with the known 40 characters also in the key.
For example : 1GuqEWwH5iRZ89oo5xw26FqmyZFMWZrtPi - is the public address
and for the WIF private key I'd have Kw**********JzXaqU2rcFSoaLaehAQHqoQX1cWCo92tAA3ihLJ7
basically I want to always have search for private key start at 'Kw', then search for missing 10, and end with 'JzXaqU2rcFSoaLaehAQHqoQX1cWCo92tAA3ihLJ7'
Any advice is appreciated and examples are even more appreciated
Thank you,
The "K" at the beginning stands for an uncompressed private key so effectively one character is ruled out.
You should probably use bitcrack with a stride of "244 62 8 66 47 124 80 157 248 14 101 42 20 166 75 38 90 171 48 143 193 217 43 86 127 213 68 99 176 225 142 231 221 232 209 1 232 119 87 59 159 250 92" (these are grouped in three digits - where there's less than three digits then put zeros at the beginning).
Then you set the start range to "62 15 48 27 224 252 140 123 196 154 246 145 249 147 190 242 245 119 253 137 57 120 87 229 177 249 235 57 188 105 162 106 16 38 232 62 226 68 207 61 60 159 137 16 30 135 117 115 185 255 165 192" (3E 0F 30 1B E0 FC 8C 7B C4 9A F6 91 F9 93 BE F2 F5 77 FD 89 39 78 57 E5 B1 F9 EB 39 BC 69 A2 6A 10 26 E8 3E E2 44 CF 3D 3C 9F 89 10 1E 87 75 73 B9 FF A5 C0, or: w1111111111JzXa.....)
and the end range to "63 53 101 37 224 105 133 154 79 164 116 14 184 245 198 239 210 247 218 39 60 17 143 67 53 249 245 92 6 253 234 184 11 67 248 114 161 110 81 101 39 66 237 125 158 135 117 115 185 255 165 192" (3F 35 65 25 E0 69 85 9A 4F A4 74 0E B8 F5 C6 EF D2 F7 DA 27 3C 11 8F 43 35 F9 F5 5C 06 FD EA B8 0B 43 F8 72 A1 6E 51 65 27 42 ED 7D 9E 87 75 73 B9 FF A5 C0, or: wzzzzzzzzzzJzXa....).
Make sure you only search for uncompressed keys to speed things up.
In one command:
./bitcrack -u --keyspace 0x3E0F301BE0FC8C7BC49AF691F993BEF2F577FD89397857E5B1F9EB39BC69A26A1026E83EE244C F3D3C9F89101E877573B9FFA5C0:0x3F356525E069859A4FA4740EB8F5C6EFD2F7DA273C118F4335F9F55C06FDEAB80B43F872A16E5 1652742ED7D9E877573B9FFA5C0 --stride 2440620080660471240801572480141010420201660750380901710481431932170430861272130 68099176225142231221232209001232119087059159250092
It has a difficulty of log2(58**10) = 58.5798 bits, this is doable if you have a few GPUs.
Note: it's important to place your public address at the end of the command (after the stride), although I did not write that in the other post.