Tell me what is this model of horizontal risers - the connection of USB? And the use of wood is still a dubious option... Fire safety...
Those risers are mind blowing; so simple yet so much better. I bet the guy coming up with the default vertical design would bang his against a wall seeing it.
I'm running out of risers and now I know what kind I'll be looking to get.
Anyway, great pics OP. I used wood frames in the past and now I use metal frames with wooden shelves and I'm not even remotely worried because wood's flame temperature is quite high. Basically, it needs an existing fire for the wood to catch on fire at which point your rig will burn down anyway due to all the plastic and whatnot burning. With that said, I would not use wood at all if I were to scale my operation up from a few rigs. Just why risk it?
Personally, I also don't trust those small high capacity server PSUs. I mean my regular EVGA 1300W PSUs get HOT even around 1kw at the wall. And I also don't trust aftermarket power cables. I've melted a few risers and cables of low quality PSUs.