The pay scaling used in Moby Dick is entirely profit based. A cabin boy might receive 1/250 of net profit. While the captain might take home 1/10 of profit.
Profit based pay scaling motivates everyone to want to succeed. The more successful their venture is, the more they get paid. This motivates workers to work harder and do more to guarantee their mission does well. Also if their venture fails, they might not be paid much at all. It is a very meritocratic format. It contrasts from current day business where executives whose have enterprises fail might still receive significant bonuses and golden parachute deals.
Profit based wage structuring is also a good historical reference for tracking trends in business and economics. If a street sweeper in 1820 was paid 1/500 of profits and a street sweeper in 2022 is paid 1/450 in profits. That makes pay scaling much easier to put into perspective.