Mnemonic Slots
Imagine a giant slot machine with 12 reels and each reel has 2048 BIP39 mnemonic words. Each time you spin you generate a new mnemonic phrase. The resulting first address generated from the mnemonic is checked for a balance or activity. If you "find" a balance you "win".
Kinda along the lines of but different.
Live demo:
It could be a good slot game if you funded a thousand addresses yourself, with different amounts, and then, knowing the seed phrases, arranged the game so that those with the biggest amounts were hardest to find. For example, to win $10 one needs to find 2 mnemonic words from the corresponding mnemonic phrase, and to win $200 - 3 words, and so on(the number of words in this example is completely arbitrary, but I'm sure you can figure out the right accordance).
There's a lot of hype surrounding Bitcoin now, so a game like this could really become popular. But in the form it is proposed in the OP it is like trying to have fun with stealing. Not good.