Greetings all! Hope everyone had a great new year.
I got this question from ilog via pm but thought I'd answer here in case anyone else was wondering. Sorry for the delay.
ย 1. There will be only 21 000 000 Moin?
ย 2.ย If yes, then how will staking reward work?
Thank you,
At the moment there is set to be 21m MOIN in total which at the current rate of emission we'd hit around 12 years from now. The Platform will bring different incentives for running a node so I'm waiting to see what affect its usage has on the network before devising and committing to a longer-term scheme.
ilog also asked what was planned for after The Platform. There will be many iterations of The Platform as we refine and add more features to it. I expect it to be the focus of development well into the future, though after the alpha release we could perhaps take on more developers to work on other parts of the project.