Source of the announcement: don't know Jeff personally, but he is the lead marketing / events manager at Clevelander, which, as people who've been to Miami know, is a legitimate operation in South Beach. He coordinated the Clevelander being the first hotel in Miami to accept Bitcoin, and hosted the Ethereum / Bitcoin "after party" at Clevelander rooftop during the conference weekend."Building on the recent success of the European Bitcoin Convention, the NABC will hit Miami Beach on the 25th and 26th of January, 2014. In support of the bitcoin conference and community, the Clevelander Hotel, through BitPay, will allow bitcoiners to pay for their room, food and drinks with bitcoin! “We have a strong partnership with the Miami Beach Convention Center, when they signed the conference the marketing manager connected me directly with the organizer and the rest is history,”
said Jeff Turgeau, Event Sales Manager for Clevelander. “I immediately recognized the profound opportunities accepting bitcoin will create in increasing our revenues and was sold with the initial conversation.” "
He said he was on a conference call with BitPay last week for some more upcoming events, and the information was divulged to him.
As I have said from the beginning - "big announcement" is subjective. Who knows what he considers "huge". I did however take him to task by saying the following: "If anything qualified as huge, it would have been the eBay/PayPal announcement last week, and the price didn't move much. Is this bigger than that?" His response was: "eBay and PayPal are only online services. This is something that could benefit everyone. I don't have the details on how they will be incorporating it, but someone big will be." When I reiterated that the price didnt move much just on an announcement of future incorporation with Ebay - he clarified that the price itself may take time to move. I assume he recognizes that the thing that moves price is actual commerce, consumer adoption, and demand for bitcoins. Right now we are in merchant adoption phase, which does not equal consumer adoption and commerce.
That's everything I know folks. But Jeff is legit, and I can't think of a reason why he would lie about the BitPay call or the news. I doubt with 9 "likes" on his status, he was planning to shake the Bitcoin price with a fake announcement. If something was said on a BitPay phone call, the question is whether his interpretation would match yours or mine. Anyone's guess.