You gotta be joking me not serious are you? Bitcoin is only semi anon and in fact is traceable to you given your alphanumerical address. Real anon coins like DeepOnion don't require you to have a known address instead when you connect to the QT wallet it is done on the TOR network completely anon.
Not for long my friend. Take a look at DeepOnion's roadmap. It already has Tor integrated, all communication is routed over Tor. It has DeepVault, i.e. file authenticity verification where file hashes are stored directly on the blockchain. It will have fully untraceable transactions in a few weeks (DeepSend) and Smart contracts in a few months.
I really like Monero, it has good PoW algo and the ring signature tech is cool, but the DeepOnion progrss seems to be faster.
Never heared of Darkcoin though, I'll check it out
Couldn't have said it better myself friend and I will add look at how stable the price action has been for DeepOnion the last two months. When BTC was mooning it held still and this week it rose while BTC rose. The volume is
increasing every week as more people find out about DeepOnion. Come check out our awesome community you can get involved in airdrops without actually investing into DeepOnion all you gotta do is be active on the forums!