And lol, yeah I’m basically holding him hostage... Trades are welcome regarding any of my QB’s if the price (player) is right... *cough cough* Hueristic *cough*
I'm not trying to get them out of spite! Damn Autodraft boned me on QB (not to mention Murry and demarios.. w00ps mentioned it ) so I'm gonna stream QB's and do better off the wire if it kills me!
Funny thing is the Qb's I've streamed have all done well. Lol
We have a great match going Carl! Zeke saved my chances! Otherwise I was screwed.
Ouch, not looking good for me. Why wasn't Zeke suspended again?? lol
Cause Jerry Jones owns all the Judges! He is god in texas. Gonna be a damn close one thats for sure, Dez nullified alot of my dak points.
The Pats D is actually playing today for some weird reason neither freeman nor Jones is able to anything.