Another solution is mining Neoscrypt with them, I get a comparable hashrate in that, but you have to use nsgminer for that, Claymore's neoscrypt doesnt work with pre-GCN cards.
i do mine Electroneum rigth now.. is not realy convenient coz the price drop quite a lot, but i believe we will see nice price in the near future.. btw you can get around 50 coin for day, not to bad...
Btw, witch version of XMR-STAK are you using?
Latest XMR-STAK 2.3.0 have decent performance and support most of cryptonight algos (lite, v7, heavy)
Stability is a problem as for now. To get XMR-STAK up and running to normal performance you have to use 14.4 driver woch have it's own drawbacks.