Did anyone hear about people using Bitcoin to bribe some guy in the government (or elsewhere)?
Is it safe to grease the wheels this way? If no one got caught so far, does it mean that no one actually tried to use bitcoins for exactly this purpose or does it mean that it is just a perfect tool for passing the money under the table to someone and no one can be caught at all. Really, how can such bribes can be traced? After all, you can always back off and claim that this is not your Bitcoin address, and you hear about Bitcoin for the first time in your whole life at that
I haven't heard any, but for sure, if bitcoin is going to be use to bribe a government official, it's going to be anonymous since you can deny an address.
But there will come a time that those who were bribed will convert bitcoin to fiat, and that is where everything will start. If you use the money to buy luxury cars or whatever, it will be noticeable and that is where investigation will come and all your properties will become questionable and papers will be asked if you declared it and if it is taxed. Unless when you convert your bitcoin to fiat you use another bank account not related to you or any of your family member or a bank account in other country
This is a long way to go
Really, why should they convert bitcoins to fiat at all if they could just save them as a sort of severance pay ("golden parachute") or their own pension fund? If they agree to be greased with bitcoins, they are apparently valuing Bitcoin, so they might not want to go out into fiat before their time comes. And after, say, twenty years who will remember that some official had been bribed with Bitcoin? On the other hand, the best way to catch both bribers and bribees is to catch them red-handed, i.e. at the moment when they give and receive the bribery. Bitcoin easily solves this bottleneck
Well, I have no doubt about that, you defend your answer very nice.
That's true, you need to caught them in the act in order for you to really hav ea solid case against a corrupt politician/ department heads. And that's true even after your term as a government official no one ever remembers you. Unless the one who bribes you make a noise to re surface you and your hidden wealth.
Maybe the ones that will benefit from that bribe are the children, and not the actual person who committed it. Just like how politicians did it, after being thrown out by the people, no wealth is found, and the children turns out to be wealthy later on.