For those who can manage finances well, a weekly salary is a good thing, most people are too easily tempted to shop on weekends so all the salary they get is used up, but if we can leave it for investment even with a small value then weekly salary is better than monthly.
Basically every salary is good and also useful for life because it is part of the results of work every week and also in every month. And for me, those who receive a salary on a weekly or monthly basis are actually not much different if they can save it according to their basic needs. Because what makes the salary look small or not enough is prestige and too often follows a lifestyle that even that is not always needed by everyone.
It is different for me, when I get weekly I fail to live according to how I should, monthly is better. My expenses are monthly, rent, electricity, internet, phone, heating, water, everything is monthly, so I should be getting monthly as well. I have been doing a lot better that way and it's easier to manage.
However, companies are even harder, they make money based on each sale, so if they are doing good, that's not confusing, but there are some who make a ton sometimes, and then for a few months make nothing, making sure that runs is a very difficult one, like make 30k a month, then nothing for 3 months, how do you manage to live like that? I wouldn't be able to.