That's quite easy to say now, in hindsight, after the Fed pumped $3 trillion in QE (75% of its balance sheet) inside ~3 months, with another $3 trillion in stimulus spending by Congress over the same period. These levels of market intervention were completely unprecedented. We're talking 10x the size of TARP and beyond. It's downright silly to make comparisons to previous generations of QE and say it was rational to buy the knife in March (or not to sell) on that basis.
It's funny, I was one of the only people around here predicting a V-bottom in stocks back in March-April. Now everyone is trying to act like it was so obvious.....
I don't want to be too technical, but of course when oil traded negative or equity dividend were battered of course it was very easy to pickup a good trade.
While expressing views here on the forum you also have to consider who you are talking to: you don't want to say "Go out and buy!The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets!"
It you did experess the V-shaped call, well done! Hope you also profited from this view!
Nothing can be challenged about gold as a store of value over thousands of years, and all the other applications it has today - but it is crucial that gold has been proven over a very long period of time (in human terms), while on the other hand Bitcoin has yet to prove its worth - and no matter the time we live where things are evolving far faster than 50 years ago, I think it will take at least another 10 years to see how Bitcoin will position itself in relation to already proven things like gold, silver, stocks, real estate...
When I say another 10 years, I mean a total of 20 years from the first block, because Satoshi himself said something along those lines when he wrote: "I'm sure that in 20 years there will either be very large transaction volume or no volume." How applicable this thesis is, given that Satoshi could not have foreseen everything that has happened so far, and of course what will happen in the future - remains to be seen.
Every day bitcoin has volume, this makes bitcoin more resilient, anti-fragile, and closer to the Shelling-poin of money.
As I said in my
third post here on
Bitcoin is a huge bet but while I don’ know if in 10 years bitcoin would be worth 1 million or zero (or course I have an idea), I am absolutely sure that in 10 years every present shitcoin (all of them, but bitcoin) will be worth ZERO.
Now two years have passed and bitcoin made incredible progresses in the right direction, while the fiat shitcoins have made horrible steps in hte wrong directions. Don't forget that the US Dollar is not 200 years old, but it is only almost 50 years old. You cannot consider the Dollar before the 1971 in the Gold Standard being the same as the Dollar after the end of Gold Standard, that was actually an hidden default.
So yes, we prety much agree on the 2030 date to state the successfulness of the bitcoin experiment. I just added an appointment in my agenda!