Sure, go ahead.
What are Cryptopia demand to enlist Mooncoin again?
cryptopia made it clear that they didn't want mooncoin on their exchange (as we were sub-satoshi at that stage).
the exchange and its operator (hex) has proven to act childishly not just in regard to mooncoin, but several other proven currencies as well.
not interested in cryptopia, now that we're doing well
James, we all here cannot really check what is true about this.
There have been several difficulties: you contacted user CryptoDatabase to solve the problems, as recommended by Mooncoin_Foundation? think, if the money is the only problem, we all here would be glad to help. Psychological fights or personal sensitivities, however ... that's the job of you two - and should be solved between you.
@CryptoDatabase: Could you also be cooperative about this, to find a solution, in order to remove the "spot on the Moon"? Thanks.
And regarding your last sentence:
not interested in cryptopia, now that we're doing well
It's not only about what you are interested in, but what the community is interested in.