This is my first post, I'm a newbie, however I have been viewing the Bitcoin community for several weeks now, I just like to research things before I commit to joining/participating in them.
I would like to hear people thoughts on the Moratlity of Bitcoin and all of its possible implications.
I personally think Bitcoin is an amazing idea that potentially can be world changing (for the good). Anything that is potentially world changing will face resistance, possible corruption, and a host of other issues. Your thoughts...
The only morality changes are the following:
- There's no need for banks. In fact, it's just not profitable to run a bitcoin bank.
- Money is not created by loans nor by the government. Anyone can mine. It's a P2P mechanism.
- You can't close any bank account, it's a free market.
- Only anonymous if your bank accounts are not linked to you.
- If you let your money rest, it will increase it's value without having to invest it in drugs/wars/whatever.