Why do you insist that people cannot have multiple loving relationships? Where is this imaginary line that implies you don't have the capacity to love anymore people? After you find 'The One' are you supposed to just tell everyone else, "Sorry I've reached my 'Love Quota'. I love my parents, and siblings, and my significant other, there's just no more room to love anyone else."? Regardless, being monogamous is no guarantee of being in a loving relationship. I would prefer my mother and sister were in multiple loving sexual relationships rather than one unloving one.
Wouldn't you agree that the world would be a better place if we just learned to accept and love one another? Why do people 'fall in love'? Wouldn't it be better to love one another as a default, since you can always 'fall out of love' with someone if they prove to be unworthy?
the core issue is that I guess you get confused with this "love everyone" of the Christian church... for me, a mother doesn't love her child as she loves her husband, you don't love your siblings as you love your significant one and you can hate and kill those that want to hurt those that you care about.
As you say it's all a personal matter. However what you seem to not want to get is death. If you live without "souls" or any path after death but the void, I personally think that the situation must be very harsh. Respect one another, do good to other, not doing bad... okay... but loving... please like you said, I have only one spot. Loving in the meaning I mean it.
maybe to abort it simply you were both before life, will you be able to cross it in love, or will you get lost?
However and to support your point, everyone can get scammed by a good liar, that may lead you in an unloving relationship, cool, liquidate, move out, bye, now move to the right one. But if you think about it, the goal of the relationship was to be, contrary to the kind of mutually destructive intercourses, where the goal is just to have a pseudo physical pleasure at great risks for the spiritual and physical side. (btw the more you spend quality time, in a quality surrounding, in a clear state of mind the easier the lies get to spot, in beauty, dirtiness hurts the eye the most, and if you feel it, it's always true ((in relationship)).
And this is the core of the argument I was making. Some people push others to have as many useless and stupid sexual intercourses that lead to nothing, to generate used condoms and a few Kleenexes.
We have a winner here. Thank you.
The condom industry is pushing for unhealthy sexual intercourses between people that don't love each others but fulfill a physical need (if you want to see it like it) others than let others find the perfect match for them.
my opponents you have an industry backing, time to celebrate (hehehe)... this little party will scale
And to get to your point of multiple pussies (or polygamism), how many dicks do you have? so you have to chose, so one has to face the trade off... who is gonna be let on the bench? Because if given the true chance (financial - educational independence) no woman or man want to be the second choice in a threesome. And you can't lie in proximity. it will be known.
perfect for now. I am proud of myself.
edit: add the prostitution industry to your backing. destroying the "nuclear family" is very good to slave merchants ( and if you are vicious enough to make them believe that you have to forgive them... more gg to them, however I prefer some more
True Americans IMPERIAL methods facing those saluting, ie to the
X (game more lol) mofo and myp&br2dyw).
and just to make it nicer and longer (
and the "detail", I want to point out:
when this was made, killing, crucifying, extracting splitting hashing the spine of anyone touching a woman was evident... not doing it was being a pussy... and it had nothing to do with sexual or what ever political - economical - what ever you want. just the way to see life.