And note how differently the muslims there react as opposed to the Jews and Christians (who just outright made themselves silly).
It's like... Just watch it.
Maher cowtows to Muslims because otherwise they'll threaten to kill him or bomb him and places that carry his work. He knows it's safe to insult Christians and Jews. You're looking not at natural responses, but an orchestrated performance.
Maher's a punk and a coward.
An hour and fourty minutes of Maher, the idea just makes me want to puke.
What you said is exactly what I tried to convey. You could see how the muslims there had killing in their eyes and how they were scared talking ill about their religion. How they mumbled when faced direct question calling out their bullshit.
Otherwise, Maher isn't a coward or a punk, he did help, at least for me, to see what a dark religious islam really is.
He isn't the only one btw, lots of videos where you see muslims getting interviewed you can see how they go numb when facing questions that might show in dark light islam.
A lot of muslims enable and support the sick behaviour of the more extreme ones.
Well, basically Islam is a belief set that dates from back when life and survival and prosperity was a zero sum and your fiefdom take over the next fiefdom. To do that you have to be crazier than them, more willing to die in battle. That's how we define a successful culture historically, there ain't nothing nice about it.