Yeah Litecoin is Litecoin, but it's not fucking Bitcoin now is it?
I don't think it will matter how powerful Litecoin becomes, it will never dethrone the king.
Bitcoin is the number one undisputed champion GOD lord savior legendary eternal king master overlord of ALL COINS PERIOD.
Thinking like this is exactly how you get beat in business. The moment you think your king, untouchable, or whatever other God like references you made to BTC someone will come along with a bigger and better version. Complacency is not king. You can bet my right nut there is some under the radar geniuses being backed by the 1% to create something better and we all know it has room for improvement. BTC is the first great...there will be many more to come over the years. Shit a few years ago they were calling this a fad and now there's what over two hundred cryptos, some of them doing huge things to the financial industry. I wonder if the professor who made this statement at a major university still thinks the all mighty dollar is the legendary eternal master overlord blah blah blah of currency now?
Whos hungrier? the man clawing tooth and nail to get to the top of the mountain or the man sitting on top checking out his views oblivious to the hundreds of hungry coming up the other side? In business you either need to be the first or the best. BTC was the first now watch what people take and do with the original principal created. Im excited to see the next couple years.
Kid I have held Litecoin since it was $5 and I still have them to this day. I've been around the block for many years. I have seen coins come and go, you say there are 200 coins? Try over 100,000 billion coins throughout history. They have all come and challenged the Bitcoin the king, they have all been slaughtered like cows in a slaughterhouse (which is a really fucked up comparison btw).
There is no coin to ever beat Bitcoin. I am also looking forward to the years ahead. Every newly created coin is technically superior to Bitcoin, but will any of them dethrone the first? The best? No.
It's the gold of the cryptocurrency world, it is what everyone wants, it is what everyone lusts after. Bitcoin is the lord king holy grail of the crypto community and it will forever be.
Can you even imagine "Litecoin" being the king? People trading 2 Bitcoins for 1 Litecoin? Or people trading 2 Bitcoins for 1 Ethereum? It makes no fucking sense.
Can you imagine people saying "Litecoin is the number one king of all coins no coins can beat it"
It doesn't sound good at all now does it? But "Bitcoin is the number one king coin of all coins no coins can beat it" That shit rings true.
100,000 billion coins? well first off is that even a number? yes kind of its just a very uneducated way to say far larger words than you carry in your vocabulary. Your education definitely doesn't supersede your ego. Im not sure what your trying to say? a trillion? a quadrillion? in that case no there most certainly are not a trillion + different types of cryptos out there. if your referring to all the way back to the start of currency and man well then that holds no relevance because we are on a crypto coin forum discussing crypto currency not every form of currency since the dawn of ages.
Im not saying litecoin will dethrone BTC. Im saying some coin some day will. That is how we progress forward in modern day society. we take an existing idea and improve on it. If we said "hey the model T is the best car we no longer need to try to build anything else because its the most economical vehicle made" wed be riding around in fucking cars from the 20s right now KID. you obviously lack a lot in intelligence and try to make up for it by spewing blatant non factually backed comments. If your going to use BTC was the first so its the best as your argument well then dont bother. improving on ideas is how things progress and as a society we are progressing at a rate that is almost unfathomable. look at the way correspondence has changed in the past 20 ish years. hand written letters mailed > typed letters mailed> emails> text messages> and now texting is even speeding up to whatever the hell these kids are doing today to almost live communication/interaction through social media as just one ex. so to say BTC will be the only king of currency for ever is just plain ignorant. I'm not giong to waste anymore time. you cant educate the close minded ones who already know more than the almighty god.