i have 1 question.
Suppose i use two electrum wallets on two different machines one offline and one online.If i use offline machine to just sign transactions via electrum and then transfer the signed transaction to the online electr wallet on another PC for broadcasting.Am i safe?
Do i risk getting my bitcoins stolen?Can my private keys leak? and if so how's that possible?
If the wallet on the online machine is watch only, if you are not using a virtual machine and electrum the keys will not leak. There is always the risk that someone will break in and take the offline machine. A virus will most likely not reach the offline machine.
No as i said i am not using a virtual machine.
I am using a completely different PC that's running linux and my online watch online wallet is on different PC running windows so would i be at risk of this attack mentioned by the OP in this thread? or any other attack?
The fact that you are signing on a offline wallet/computer, and then pushing that sighed tx on
an online wallet/computer is irrelevant to the issue johoe is addressing.
What you have done with your setup is attempt to prevent your offline wallet/computer from being
compromised from malware and other malicious programs. Your setup it best for cold storage and etc.
Very simply, the r-value issue talked about in this thread is related to when, in the tx signing process,
there is a fundamental error within the wallet's code (usually random number generators not being random),
which causes the potential of patterns to be seen when looking at all of that address's output txs.
A hacker or etc can potentially backwards engineer the private key for that address, thus stealing the btc.
As a rule to prevent this:
(1) use a wallet program that is known to be reliable, tested, and etc.
(2) never send more than 30 txs out of a specific address, since a pattern could develop over time.
(2) always, as habit, try to always use a new address after each tx (changes addresses, etc).
The above "rules" are steps to help prevent this from happening.