Markets are already heading into a good direction. I don't know that you can call it bullish, but it's definitely going up.
The crash the crypto markets experienced was important, because now there's lots of upside potential (compared to before, where there was more downside potential.)
Frankly, I would look into new projects and current projects. Start with the gold standards of the industry: Bitcoin, ETH etc etc.
However, also diversify by looking at new ones coming up, because those are the ones that will increase in value the most.
Think of it this way: what will get more % return? A coin that is already worth a few thousand dollars, or an upcoming token that is trading under a dollar?
This is all subjective of course, but if you want to maximize your return, you should be looking at smaller cap coins/projects, because these have the greater upside potential (a multi billion dollar market cap, is harder to turn into hundred billion dollar, instead of a million dollar into billion dollar.)
Having said that, there's risk involved in smaller projects. So I always tell people: invest in projects that solve a problem. Gambling has a HUGE problem at the moment, whether it is the social stigma, the unfair odds or the money laundering. There's a reason gambling has historically attracted criminal activity and problems, and blockchain can do a lot to reverse all of that with the public ledger.
I don't mean to pitch a project, and want to keep the convo quite neutral, but do have a look at what we've been doing at Faireum.
You won't be sorry
Good luck man!