Do you have any suggestions for improving this score?
Current list of 500:
8 qwk DT2 939.333 Donator 6/15/2011 3:01:04 PM 3 hours 8 minutes
Not really a suggestion, but just the fact that I personally am in 8th position is an indicator of something "wrong" about the wording "most recognized".
I am, I dare say, probably "most recognized" in my specific local community.
I am most likely not known to a helluva lot of the international community.
I won't raise any objections to this lunacy, because I like the way "8th most recognized" sounds. I do like the way it sounds... I mean, I like it a lot.
I know what they're doing. I know exactly what they're doing. They just keep repeating "go faster than any man in the history of space travel", like that's a good thing. Like it'll distract me from how insane their plan is. Yeah, I get to go faster than any man in the history of space travel, because you're launching me in a convertible. Actually it's worse than that, because I won't even be able to control the thing. And by the way, physicists, when describing things like acceleration do not use the word "fast". So they're only doing that in the hopes that I won't raise any objections to this lunacy, because I like the way "fastest man in the history of space travel" sounds. I do like the way it sounds... I mean, I like it a lot. [pauses] I'm not gonna tell them that.