Mining is long term investment. If you are looking to make quick cash by investing in a mining rig, then yes, you are probably going to be dissapointed. On the other hand if you don't care about making a quick profit and looking to accumulate coins for the long term instead, then mining is most certainly an option. Nobody knows where the market is going to be next week or next month. There are only costs and benefits to any descision you make. If I had just kept mining instead of stopping back in 2014 when the market REALLY crashed, I would be a lot better off than I am and I regret having made that descision. Fortunately, I did keep most of the coins I mined back then, so in the end it worked out.
In the video below BBT explains from the persepective of someone thats been mining for a long time and built hundreds of rigs, why you should keep mining, even when it's not the most profitable time to do so.