Hi Everybody,
I'm happy to announce the following updates on ADZbuzz and some more info:
-> We have created a moderation feature for groups. As you'll see, from now on when you post something on the ADZbuzz passive income timeline the post will first need to be approved by an admin. There are many admins and it only takes a click of a button so this will happen fast. This feature is active on ALL groups and allows group admins to delete spam and other unwanted messages before they even appear. When a post is unapproved only the admin(s) can still see, nobody else.
-> We have added the ad submission manager for the ad server, you can see it in the right sidebar and here is the direct link:
https://adzbuzz.com/index.php?tab1=adverts Here buyers of the lifelong traffic offer can add ads into the ad manager, and based on the amount of spots you have the ads will be displayed. Right now we are using a rotator to evenly distribute views to buyer's ads.
Please note that these ads are only the first type of ads which we'll add, we'll add multiple ad spots more later on in later versions of the ad server, which will eventually be at the same level of Facebook. Obviously it will take time but you see where we are going and how valuable the lifelong traffic offer will become.
-> Some people have paid for the lifelong traffic offer with paypal, and we will add those spots manually into the database today. If you paid through Paypal and don't see the option to submit ads by tomorrow make sure to contact support:
http://adzbuzzhelp.com and we'll check that out.
-> When the first version of the ad server is completely ready, we will start getting ADZbuzz ready to go mainstream. This will include shifting focus from the money opportunity to the main purpose of ADZcoin, which is helping web publishers recoup loss from ad blocking software through our social share feature, the ADZbuzzer. As mentioned this will be a feature similar to the other social share buttons you see on virtually any website you visit. We will also work hard on making the platform user-friendly, add more features (the little things) and restructure some things in order to maximize the potential of our concept.
To give an overview:
-> ADZbuzz will consist of 3 tabs
People will be able to switch tabs on ADZbuzz which will all have their own purpose, namely:
- The main timeline, where the posts will be shared from other websites (kinda like Reddit in categories)
- The groups / pages timeline which will be used for bonding with like-minded people (same feature as on Facebook) and direct selling to group members using ADZBuzzPay. Only posts of groups you joined will be visible here.
- The ADZbuzz Lounge where people can discuss anything ADZbuzz related, which is basically the main timeline now with some new rules. This will motivate peope to stay on ADZbuzz which is crucial for long-term success
-> The ADZbuzzer as marketing tool to go viral
As mentioned we will market ADZbuzz correctly and this means we will limit the amount of marketing we do ourselves to the general public. This may sound counter-productive, but we will solely focus on getting web publishers to add the ADZbuzzer to their site and encourage them to inform their audience that they can help them by sharing their posts on ADZbuzz. In other words, people will join because they can help, not solely because they can gain something. It's only when they join and browse the platform that they will learn about the income opportunity and the ADZcoin project. At least this counts for the people that visit mainstream blogs, marketing blogs can obviously promote the income opportunity too.
The process will be like this:
- Person visits fitness blog and learns about the ADZbuzzer
- He signs up to ADZbuzz, needs to choose 5 categories of his interest
- He sees all the amazing content shared by others and learns that ADZbuzz is a great place to start the day.
The posts that get shared the most that day will appear on top. Also the weight of people sharing posts will be higher for upgraded members, so web publishers will benefit more if their audience upgrades their account. And as you know, upgraded members will earn more and more over time.And yes, there will also be a Buzzer 5 which is the free version of the upgrade making ADZbuzz a free earning opportunity too for everybody!
-> Focus on quality = higher revenue
The more people that actually visit ADZbuzz because they think it's an amazing place to start the day, discover new content etc. the higher quality our advertising products will be. Important to note is that we won't pay people for posting on ADZbuzz, only for sharing high quality content. If you check the posts on Steemit for instance, they are of very ow quality and this system will never work. People that share higher quality posts on ADZbuzz will earn more, so only the best content on the internet will appear on top every day. This is an even better system if you want to stay on top of things than any search engine and more appealing than any other social bookmarking site.
Also the demise of tsu.co recently or Bubblews earlier this year, along with our own beta phase of rewarding people for adding content has shown that paying people to post only results in low quality posts. We will use another, more powerful system to avoid that and only reward the sharing of high quality content.
-> Revenue share between upgraded members , web publishers and ADZbuzz the company
All revenue from our many income sources will be shared evenly and as already mentioned many times before, the upgrades will both determine which posts will be on top of the timeline that day, but also how much people earn. Even free members can gradually build their account and earn more ADZ, all revenue that gets shared is revenue we have actually earned from our various revenue sources, which will grow at the same pace as our user-base so our system is 100% sustainable!
-> After explosion we will be looking to create Coinbase-like exchange inside ADZbuzz
When going mainstream we need to ensure the exchnage from ADZ to USD/EUR and vice versa is as easy as possible. When we have a user-base of over 1 million members, which will only take weeks or even days after our mass promo's start, we will start applying for the licenses needed to run our own exchange, which will solely exchnage ADZ to BTC and fiat. Our project is too big to be dependant upon third parties and we want to take full control of the most important aspect of our project. If you see what happens on a regular basis with Bitcoin exchanges then nothing is sure so this seems to be the best solution. And let's not forget the extra income stream we can add to our business and how this will affect the ADZcoin price!
Obviously getting funding and approval will be so much easier when we already have millions of members on board and thousands of partner sites and merchants spreading the word across the world. This will surely take a lot of time though, but in this world, things can go really fast especially since we have such an amazing concept and a true purpose for ADZcoin!
Who knows, by the end of the year ADZcoin might even have more users than Bitcoin (or even faster). This is in fact very likely all things considered!
One step at a time but we'll get there, never doubt that!
Have a great day!