Just an hour ago, on the Official "StartRevShare International" Facebook Group Jens (the creator of #StartPeeps and other #START sites), announced the following:
(I'm bringing you here the whole post!)
(PLEASE, spread the word!!!)
"Hi Everybody,
Just a quick update:
Right now we're working on adding multiple partner sites where ADZ can be spent. Our target is as you know other revsharing sites and also PTC sites as we can create a self-sustaining system for them. So that's what we're working on to skyrocket ADZ value.
Below are some sites that already have agreed to work together with us. Please note that these sites will keep on earning ADZ from Startpeeps and their site that will grow in value as more and more partner sites join. This means they can build up a huge reserve funds making them safer than other revshare sites who use solely other payment processors and can be shut down any day!
Yes these are my referral links, but the more revenue our business receives, the faster the cashout for SRS will go
https://adpluscash.com/ref/koop4life ->
https://revsharenow.net/ref/10007 ->
http://revshare4dreamcar.com/ref/koop4life ->
https://www.trafficexpressway.com/create-account/koop4life More will follow soon, plus we'll soon enable the cashouts from Startpeeps too so you can start earning money on our partner sites!
As you know, you can get ADZ here too, still very cheap so bett erhurry before price increases with everything launchng this week
https://yobit.net/en/trade/ADZ/Btc https://safecex.com/market?q=ADZ%2FB In the second part of the week we will launch the Fiverr marketplace, along with some WSO's to promote this. The idea is very similar to the report you can read here:
http://jenssteyaert.com/…/20…/01/Saving-Revsharing-Sites.pdf The fnal thing we need to do is to integrate our own payment gateway into the marketplace to make it ADZ-only.
All a smart marketer needs to do is create a "Startpeeps group", invite his audience there so they can earn free ADZ and sell them products using ADZ as payment option. Just imagine having a group of 1000's and everybody buys a product every time you launch one
Either way, this is going to explode pretty soon, and as you know when that happens, we'll take care of SRS cashouts!
This has been asked before if the cashouts can be paid using ADZ, and that is something that will indeed be possible, but we need to check that out more before making the official announcement about that.
EIther way, it's looking very good for ADZ, which is the main factor that will determine how fast and when the SRS cashouts will take place.
So in that regard you can:
-> Support our partner sites
-> Get some super cheap ADZ on the exchanges that will double, triple or even more than quadruple in value the coming weeks
-> Spread the word. smile emoticon Soon we'll be adding a lot of promo material to make this very easy too!
That's it for now, i'll keep you updated if i have more news!
All the best,
#revshare #adz #adzcoin #News #STARTRevShare #Announcement #RevsharingSites