You're such a loser man (smokim87). Who comes on here a bashes a coin who invested in it? Ben presented in this forum from the very start what this project was, its not a complete project yet. Sorry you have no life and live on this thread. I'm not sure why you're so sour, maybe you were hoping for a quick pump and dump. Get a life.
Another laughable thing is the superiority complex some users have against newbies on this forum. Sorry I have a life and research in other ways. You will also be seeing many new newbie accounts in the future as blockchain is gaining new investors.
My guess is smokim87 did not even put money on this coin and is just a basher because he wants Ben's code to make his own Zeth.
Still you're a sock puppet fucktard...
Bashing a coin that is asking for 134 BTC worth of investments without showing a line of code or proof of anything exists.
I invested, as a sock puppet you probably don't both going back a few pages or seeing my posts here.
I made a mistake and invested in this, getting none of our questions answered or any proof leads to this.
Loving how people are defending this crook still, no one bothered to review the last few pages. If you're not a sock puppet account review the entire thread and come back and tell me if I am wrong.
Newbie accounts that are dormant for months and suddenly wake up to post in Zeth lol? The amount of newbie accounts that flow into a coin's thread like this have a 99% of turning into a scam.
So stfu with you're bullshit, am sour for getting scammed off course anyone would be. I'm also sour for falling for this shit, still amazed how I did.