
Topic: [MTC] High Performance GPU Miner for Metiscoin (Updated - 19 Feb 2014) - page 5. (Read 19667 times)

full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100

So far so good.
Add a "-d 2" to the end of your command as a test.  Let it mine long enough to submit 5 shares or so (valid or invalid).  It will be mining with your CPU, so it won't be nearly as fast.
This we help me determine if the issue is hardware or code.

Let me know if it gets any valid shares.

15 shares: valid: 0 invalid: 15

Taking off to work so will try something later if you have an idea.

Also tried running it on the R9280x and the same. Invalids.

I feel like we might be getting somewhere with this.
I've uploaded a debug build to the dropbox page.  Here's a direct link for convenience:
Could you run that and post the information you provided earlier?  It should include a few extra parameters.

At this point my next hunch is that we might be dealing with an big-endian/little-endian issue.
What operating system are you using and what version of OpenCL do you have installed?

Also, I just wanted to say thank you for helping me debug this issue.  I know how frustrating it can be.
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1000
Platform 00: AMD Accelerated Parrallel Processing
     Device 00: Oland
     Device 01: Tahiti
     Device 02: Intel Xeon CPU   L5520 @ 2.227 GHz

Device information for: Oland

So far so good.
Add a "-d 2" to the end of your command as a test.  Let it mine long enough to submit 5 shares or so (valid or invalid).  It will be mining with your CPU, so it won't be nearly as fast.
This we help me determine if the issue is hardware or code.

Let me know if it gets any valid shares.

15 shares: valid: 0 invalid: 15

Taking off to work so will try something later if you have an idea.

Also tried running it on the R9280x and the same. Invalids.
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
Platform 00: AMD Accelerated Parrallel Processing
     Device 00: Oland
     Device 01: Tahiti
     Device 02: Intel Xeon CPU   L5520 @ 2.227 GHz

Device information for: Oland

So far so good.
Add a "-d 2" to the end of your command as a test.  Let it mine long enough to submit 5 shares or so (valid or invalid).  It will be mining with your CPU, so it won't be nearly as fast.
This we help me determine if the issue is hardware or code.

Let me know if it gets any valid shares.
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1000

Different user but I get all invalid shares.

My 1 and 2 looks just like what you posted.
Command line is: start /low xptminer.exe -o -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -d 0

Just using a R7 250. It went from 2,200 kh/s to 2,500 kh/s.

If you're using an R7 250, your #1 should look different from mine.  Wink
Also, I'm assuming USERNAME and PASSWORD are your worker name and password?

Can you post your device listing?  I'd like to see if the code runs properly on your CPU but not your GPU.
It should look like this:

Available devices:
Platform 00: Intel(R) OpenCL
  Device 00: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
Platform 01: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
  Device 01:        Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz

Sorry I can't figure out for the life of me how to insert image.

But user and password was just changed for the post.

Platform 00: AMD Accelerated Parrallel Processing
     Device 00: Oland
     Device 01: Tahiti
     Device 02: Intel Xeon CPU   L5520 @ 2.227 GHz

Device information for: Oland
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100

Different user but I get all invalid shares.

My 1 and 2 looks just like what you posted.
Command line is: start /low xptminer.exe -o -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -d 0

Just using a R7 250. It went from 2,200 kh/s to 2,500 kh/s.

If you're using an R7 250, your #1 should look different from mine.  Wink
Also, I'm assuming USERNAME and PASSWORD are your worker name and password?

Can you post your device listing?  I'd like to see if the code runs properly on your CPU but not your GPU.
It should look like this:

Available devices:
Platform 00: Intel(R) OpenCL
  Device 00: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
Platform 01: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
  Device 01:        Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1000
gigawatt can u help me fix this:

its stat of less than 1 minutes with a  7770 on win7 x64
and im getting 0000 shares in ypool with this miner, but it works fine on few more PCs

I can do my best to help.  I'll need three things from you:

1) When you run the miner, what's the first few lines that pop up on screen?  It should look something like this:
Initing device 0...
Initializing GPU 0

Device information for: Cypress
CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE:            1048576 kb
CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE:                  32 kb

2) What's the version number that shows when you run the miner?  The newest version should show
xptMiner (v1.1) + GPU Metiscoin Miner (v0.3gg)

3) What command do you run to launch the miner?

Different user but I get all invalid shares.

My 1 and 2 looks just like what you posted.
Command line is: start /low xptminer.exe -o -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -d 0

Just using a R7 250. It went from 2,200 kh/s to 2,500 kh/s.

full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
gigawatt can u help me fix this:

its stat of less than 1 minutes with a  7770 on win7 x64
and im getting 0000 shares in ypool with this miner, but it works fine on few more PCs

I can do my best to help.  I'll need three things from you:

1) When you run the miner, what's the first few lines that pop up on screen?  It should look something like this:
Initing device 0...
Initializing GPU 0

Device information for: Cypress
CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE:            1048576 kb
CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE:                  32 kb

2) What's the version number that shows when you run the miner?  The newest version should show
xptMiner (v1.1) + GPU Metiscoin Miner (v0.3gg)

3) What command do you run to launch the miner?
hero member
Activity: 1132
Merit: 536
gigawatt can u help me fix this:

its stat of less than 1 minutes with a  7770 on win7 x64
and im getting 0000 shares in ypool with this miner, but it works fine on few more PCs
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
Wonderful job, gigawatt, I am really admire your afford to make the miner this beauty Smiley

One small question, the donation will be sent to your account or the pool ( for example). I am setting at 5%, but I am worry maybe somehow you are not the receiver.

Thank again for your sharing,

The donation amount that you specify in the miner is split between myself and Girino (he wrote the original GPU miner).
You can actually verify that the developers are receiving coins by going to "view connected miners" and verifying the donation percent:
If you wanted to donate to yPool instead of us, you'd update the percentage under your account page:
sr. member
Activity: 311
Merit: 250
gtx 670: 9350 Khash/s
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
One life. Live it.
Wonderful job, gigawatt, I am really admire your afford to make the miner this beauty Smiley

One small question, the donation will be sent to your account or the pool ( for example). I am setting at 5%, but I am worry maybe somehow you are not the receiver.

Thank again for your sharing,
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
Update your miners!  I've released an update that includes a 5% speed bonus along with some additional debugging info.

If you were having issues with performance or compile errors, please try this new program.  If you continue having issues, please post the device info from the beginning of the log.  It should look something like this:
Initing device 0...
Initializing GPU 0

Device information for: Cypress
CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE:            1048576 kb
CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE:                  32 kb
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
Great, 3x 280x went from 27000 to 39000 with the same power consumption!

Is that per card or total? :O
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
I have a older 4950 till the new rig arrives(thank you taxes)

That's the issue right there.  The 4-series Radeon cards only support OpenCL 1.0 which is super old.
It looks like the current APP SDK requires a 5-series or higher.

Sorry mate.  Embarrassed
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
I have a older 4950 till the new rig arrives(thank you taxes)
I have an amp CPU cant remember which, one of the quad cores, tried suggested solution still gives same error but it will let me mine with cpu which i find odd. I have reinstalled SDK and drivers to triple check. Using 2.9 SDK

Update: It seems my install of windows has a "bug" all folders are read only tried all fixes online still have the issue will get back to you once i have a fresh install see if that has something to do with it
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
Hey, i just wanted to thank you, i have a GTX 560 SSC, 95 kHash/s with original miner. Performance with your miner increased up to 6000 kHash/s ... Awesome job.
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
Using te 64bit version i keep getting a compile error? I can use my cpu with this program just fine but when i go to turn on gpu it errors out anyone had this issue?

Odd.  What video card?

Try adding this before the first line of

#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_byte_addressable_store : enable
I'm having the same problem, with an Intel 5200 GPU. The above solution actually made it look like it's going to compile, but crashed a little later with similar error (to the one I already posted)

I wish I had an Intel chip to test on.  It would probably make thing easier than guess and check.

What happens if you add the #pragma line to the top of each of the .cl files?
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Using te 64bit version i keep getting a compile error? I can use my cpu with this program just fine but when i go to turn on gpu it errors out anyone had this issue?

Odd.  What video card?

Try adding this before the first line of

#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_byte_addressable_store : enable
I'm having the same problem, with an Intel 5200 GPU. The above solution actually made it look like it's going to compile, but crashed a little later with similar error (to the one I already posted)
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
Using te 64bit version i keep getting a compile error? I can use my cpu with this program just fine but when i go to turn on gpu it errors out anyone had this issue?

Odd.  What video card?

Try adding this before the first line of

#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_byte_addressable_store : enable
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