Do you have a million to purchase it? lol
No of course not, I have $1 million in bitcoins DUH.
Good question. I wonder if this one could be community funded. How about a hostile take-over ?
I would so be in for this! I never wanted to start my own exchange but I would gladly help restore Mt. Gox back to the glory days when Jed was running it!
Haha we should just get PhinnCage Bitcoin 100 and have people round up enough BTC to just do a total hostile take-over. I mean it would be like, " Look we have 500 BTC , its over , you are out , we are moving in ..." .... The only thing I ask is we restore the name to mt.cocks haha jk
Let do it, round it up, I be down for 150 BTCs and the CTO position, and let redirect, by the way someone has that LMAO and it redirects to seals LMAO
geezus christ you aren't kidding HAHAHAHA .....seals lol.... I'd throw in 50 BTC myself. I wonder if they would bite? I mean they are heading to the dust bin of history wouldn't you say take your profits and run! then again , Mr. Karpeles is probably sitting on half a million coins he could just run with those....
Mt Gox would be the easiest site to restore back. This is all we would have to do. We purchase with the licenses, that is the hard part. We shutdown the service, allow liquidation of all assets. We open USD, bitcoin, JPY, EURO to be withdrawn. Once the site is completely we are done with that, which will be a headache but necessary. Then we do a full code audit and patch up the alleged trade engine that they have created mitius or something. Restart the service and start a private beta for accounts that are willing to input $100K of fiat currency or bitcoins. Then slowly restore it then scale it and open it up and bam you have a full exchange.
You sir are a brillant man. I didn't even think of just buying out the licenses I mean what the hell are they going to do with those ? Then like you said liquidate all assets. Re-open in USD, Bitcoin, JPY, EURO for withdrawl. This suppose speed demon trade engine midius or whatever its called would be the key purchase to scale out. I like the idea of a private betas for accounts willing to throw in 100K heck , make the people who participate in the hostile take over automatically start out as beta testers . If there is one exchange that could have this happen in a quickly and timely fashion its this one. Bring back Jed as CTO haha ?
Exactly the only thing that really holds me back from starting an exchange is banking and licenses they have those contracts already. So for $1million Mark can leave debt free and go back to running his hosting service.
Maybe, he sold Gox because he didn't know any laws and was getting $100K checks, so now the legal framework is pretty clear on this part of bitcoins and he supposedly step down as CTO of ripple who knows? I for one am a big Jed fanboy from when he created edonkey2000 and I was using it I was huge fan. I know I would love a chance to learn from Jed. If we could return Jed to Mt Gox CTO position that would be the end of my career where else can you go from that.