BTC is Gox's cash cow - this move may well damage that; lets see.
Doesn't matter. When it comes it will be a godsend. Think of how many people will look at LTC at being $4 and think "this is like bitcoin years ago!". That will change everything. Imagine what LTC you buy now going up to $10, or $15. Thats an easy call, people will diversify in to LTC just for the sake of diversifying and riding the small fluctuation that Gox trading will bring it. It will also finally give us a way to arbitrage between exchanges without needing to get stuck with FIAT. It will allow us to hide our cryptocoins- trade from one to another and it will be impossible to track you through the blockchain. You coins will go into the exchange from one address and come out totally fresh and clean. We need a second cryptocurrency if only for the sake of privacy.
I don't think a lot of people have worked out the implications.