This is not only the money we have lost on Mr.Gox but this incident crashed the market and people trust in BTC.
After all this, the market died for years and I personally just couldn't get back on track with crypto. I know that many other people, even famous once like Boxmining from YouTube, lost his trust and give up for a few years, like me. I have lost almost 2,5 years of crypto live. Missed ETH when it was on ICO but not only, I lost the trust and I was broke because literally all my BTC were at Mr.Gox at that time and that was 90% of my holdings. Not because I held there, no, I just wanted to sell and did it for a constant 2 days before the hack. I was just a few days too late. I was used to operate in such a manner on this exchange because this was something new for me today, I don't do such mistakes. After this BTC was expensive and I was broke. That was not the picture I have in my mind just a few weeks before the hack. You can clearly see the gap in my post history when I stopped and come back a few years later. So Mr.Gox hack f....d up not only cryptocurrencies market but many peoples lives and literally made a chain of bad events later on.