Things that concern me:
- Rounding is inconsistent. e.g most of the site's UI and the Description column of this table show 2 decimal places, and other columns of this table show 3.
- When the rest of the site showed I had 47.79 BTC (which was actually 47.787) I was allowed to sell it all and get to -0.003 BTC. This is much more serious, as it shows that the inconsistent rounding and related problems affect the application's behaviour, not just the UI.
- My current balance (-0.003 BTC) is shown as -0 by the API. This is bad; the API shouldn't be hiding information.
- The transaction fees aren't shown anywhere in this table; they're hidden by tweaking the displayed price or something. Mt Gox should be more transparent about what the actual price was at each trade and what the transaction fee was for each trade.
- We're never told what precision the numbers are calculated to internally. Mt. Gox should be more transparent about how many bitcoins I actually own. Is it -0, or -0.003, or -0.0032567 or something else?