Let’s imagine a future scenario where randomly generating a single-sig wallet is much easier and faster than today,
It is already as easy and fast as it can be. Not to mention that the steps for generating a multi-sig wallet is the same as a single-sig wallet but with more steps. Meaning the former is always slower but not slow enough to be noticeable (we are talking about fraction of a second).
or that there’s a yet unknown/undicovered bug that makes it explaoitable and in a matter of a few years or a decade, one could stumble upon single-sig wallets with ease.
That would mean the cryptography used by Bitcoin is broken and in such a scenario it doesn't matter how protected YOUR coins are because unless the algorithm is replaced, your coins won't be worth anything.
I would like to understand if having a 2of2 would mitigate this, simply by the fact that one would not only have to generate/guess 2 keys instead of one, but those exact 2 keys.
If by "guess" you mean a scenario where you can brute force keys or solve ECDLP within reasonable time, then there is no reason to believe multiple keys can not be broken as well.
My quetions is specifically if in such an event, having a multi-sig could prevent coin acess unless the atacker can find those exact two keys. AFAIK, it’s not like multi-sig is a one biger key, it’s in fact 2 independent keys one would need to find, those exact two. Is this the case?
Theoretically 2 keys makes it 2 times harder but as I said if breaking one key became possible, breaking 2 keys is also possible. And at the same time Bitcoin as a whole becomes worthless so it won't matter if your coins are safe or not.