You won't get involved in this site? Are you a whale of something like that? It seems without you playing on here, it will be cause more problem for OP.
Just stay away from this site, once a site is flagged as scam, it will be forever
That's the problem with these things. When someone flags one site as a scam, for some reason that sticks for a long time even if the site may not actually be a scam. What's very difficult for us, the rest of the community is to make that distinction- which sites are legit and which sites aren't because often people present their opinions on here and others spread that opinion, making other members doubt the site without spending a minute more to check if the allegations are true or not. This is what makes this space so toxic, as once you're in for it it's hard to come out clean - and its almost like if you're thinking of starting something you better do it right as you only get that 1 chance to impress!
Therefore, it's hard but also necessary given the competitive aspect of the gambling industry.
coming out clean for the second time around is a very tough job for a dev. what he can do is prove his authenticity but it will take effort and time. also get a gambling license and show that he is sincere in making things right here..this will add credibility to his casino.
great that he created a unmoderated thread. so in this way, we can see the varying opinions of others. btw the dev has all the time in the world to show to the community that he is running legit here, right?
We running legit , you right.