I downloaded electrum-3.3.4-setup.exe from
https://electrum.org/#download (address copied and pasted from the tab that is still open in my browser)
i have no reason to believe i have downloaded a compromised version at this point. I have not interacted with the wallet since install.
The sha256 hash of the download i installed the update from from matches other installers acquired from other browsers electrum-3.3.4-setup (1).exe electrum-3.3.4-setup (2).exe (can this, has this been spoofed as far as anyone knows?)
I did not feel comfortable gpg verifying the download. I thought if i was confident i was installing from a link on the actual electrum site that should be enough, but if I install the new version to a new directory and (this part did not go as planned hence me registering here and posting this) "only" restore in the newly installed client a seed from a wallet with a smaller amt of btc as a test and it didn't disappear then i could be confident the new install was legit. (the new install apparently overwrote the previous install, and populated the "recent" wallets from the previous version automatically which i did not expect. So i got paranoid and i am here trying to decide what to do next.)
If I have or will DL/install compromised updates to electrum does the attacker immediately gain access to every (seed)wallet>addresses that i can toggle between under file>recently open? (so my btc in all "recent" wallets are already gone)
If yes how can i prevent the electrum client from being a central point of failure in the future for all wallets/coins stored (hot) on that device (Passwords? moving .dat out of a directory, and zip-encrypting it...??) shy of a watch only + airgapped machine, which i will get to eventually but not now.
(If no, i am actually OK with a limited attack surface of one seed/wallet at a time, I generate a new seed for each new receive address, so if i would find out i was compromised losing the contents of one wallet and be able to protect the rest of the hot seeds/wallets it would be acceptable risk.)
If i already installed a compromised version but not all coins across all seeds/wallets listed in recent have been swept instantly (i did not broadcast any transactions), what steps can i take to protect funds in the other "recent" hot seeds/wallets?
Of course any other advice/links on general opsec could be useful, but honestly if only one wallet at a time is at risk of being compromised that is a level of risk i am fine with in perpetuity.
Thank You