You may be right on one angle and in another still wrong but mainly having multiple sources of income it's of more advantage in this economy cause you accumulate more money for wealth creation but it's all based on strategic planning, consistency and lots more. Yes we know the multi millionaires started with just one source of income but then, having multiple sources in this era matters alot.
You are both correct in both angles but I think Moreno is considering the chance of success in other investments which is quite reasonable. Of course, having multiple investment is very necessary especially at a time of economy like this but what matters is management. AFAIK, I believe we all know the importance of management in investment but truth be told how many people can comfortably manage multiple investments? It doesn't matter you have one or multiple, if you failed to manage it properly you'll likely collapse the investment. It is better to have a manageable one than having multiple that you can not handle comfortably.