Do you think there is any problem in a big pool (or a big mining rig) targeting a new coin, take profit and leave when it's not profitable?
Personally, I am concern about automating the mining/dumping part... with some synchronization at a large scale.
I have observe the effect of this on CAP for days. The sell orders are constantly filled, so both price and difficulty get into a cycle of reduction. It remains profitable from a miner standpoint, but it stink from an investor/speculator perspective. On long term, that can't be good for everyone.
I am not as much concern about the size of a given pool (and the fork thing which might be another matter). More automated service will be created and it is now becoming easier to collectively target the same coin. Coinchoose was just the tip of the iceberg.
Making newly minted coin "special" may address the issue fairly. It will not matter if being produced from a large automated pool or not... it is all about making it harder to profit from mining/dumping systematically.