Hello all fellow multiwallets!
Yes we are still on schedule and following the road map
as published.
There should be more news on this in the coming few days!
Please don't forget that anonymous came along very unexpectedly
and is a real accomplishment for any coin considering
it was one of the last things we were to originally implement.
This puts us in the very top category of altcoins as far as i'm concerned,
as well as the plans allready announced, we do however
ask for a reasonable amount of patience, as when we are
finished we will surpass everybody currently arround,
and yes this incudes litecoin and darkcoin, and all those
who do not understand this or rather don't believe it are 1 simply ignorant,
or 2 have not comprehended what our roadmap spells out and exactly
what it is your wallets will achieve, not only in the short term but in the final eventuality.
Although we have accomplished much in 4 weeks, we can't expect
something new every week to be rolled out thats just simply not how the crypto
industry works or can work and rather than promising rubbish or rhetoric
which means nothing or very little we will only announce real developments
when and if they are ready to be launched.
However I do have a little bit of fact for you all to ponder on.
As we move ever closer to our goals I wish to stress that there are only
27 million MWC coins in existance BUT.....
as we have pointed out before I can officially confirm that there are as of today
infact only
18 million MWC officially not in the possesion of 5 of the multiwallet
foundation members, with 2 as yet to report their assets.
We have already pledged not to put these coins onto any markets before
the price reaches the equivalency of $1 per MWC and reaching that number it
would make very little sense to sell such a valuable asset in any case on such a rise!
I for one will continue to accumulate at this stupendous price for
a fully proven and workable anonymous coin whenever I am able.
So the news of the week is that there used to be
27 million coins available and now there are only
18 million available to the public which alone represents a
staggering 30% drop
in the total number of coins available for those of you
who want to buy in and indeed considering what everyone knows
what we have achieved, and want to achieve I find it hard to believe
there are hardly many much more available out there willing to sell at this point.
In my opinion that would be just plain foolish,
but who am i to judge after all we all have our jobs
Multiwallet only 18 million coins are available to trade and be bought and sold publically
and falling weekly!These are the facts and reality!!