its a done deal, god himself has pulled the rug underneath BTC, who could have known? Who would have guessed that MUSK Not HODL??
Not bad eh? Borrrowed money, pump&dump BTC all the way, and then dump, and step back; rinse & repeat
Hell its the AMerican Way
Indeed the Gods Must be Crazy
I know, I know, your all going to say "Yawn", "Musk is just a whale, this is what Whales do"
Not really Musk is a HODL cheerleader, and its in your face "Do as I say, not as I do".Well good for Musk, I was worried that TSLA would be holding the empty bag, and this loss would BK TSLA. So now we know TSLA made out like a bandit and the Bitcoin-HODL troops got screwed. All is 100% normal. Even GoldmanSacks couldn't ask for a better outcome.