, April 27, 2011
Darwinian Double Whammy
Helmuth Nyborg, a politically incorrect scientist, has produced a remarkable paper, The decay of Western civilization: Double relaxed Darwinian Selection (pdf). The issues discussed in the paper won't come as much of a surprise to readers here. The abstract:
This article briefly describes Lynn’s view on what makes modern populations rise and fall. It then provides a demographic analysis of what happens to modern sub-fertile high-IQ Western populations when Internal Relaxation of Darwinian Selection (IRDS) combines with External Relaxation (ERDS, in the form of super-fertile low-IQ non-Western immigration) into Double Relaxation of Darwinian Selection (DRDS). The genotypic IQ decline will ruin the economic and social infrastructure needed for quality education, welfare, democracy and civilization. DRDS is currently unopposed politically, so existing fertility differentials may eventually lead to Western submission or civil resistance. [My emphasis.]
Nyborg estimates that in Denmark, ethnic Danes will be outnumbered by those of foreign origin by 2085, that this will lead to a dramatic decline in the average national IQ. The results for Denmark can be extended, says Nyborg, to all of Western Europe.
Why were early dysgenic warnings neglected and the messengers demonized? Because too many leading scientists, politicians and intellectuals (Nyborg, 2003; in press) ignored Darwinian principles and started a historically hitherto unheard of voluntary, humanistic, democratic and financed replacement policy, whereby dwindling genetically weakened (Lynn, Harvey, & Nyborg, 2009) sub-fertile Western European populations will rapidly be replaced by more fertile low-IQ non-European immigrants.
The Left is the real bastion of creationism; by denying virtually all systematic human differences except superficial traits - and some even appear to deny that when they speak of the social construction of race - they leave no room for natural selection. Anyone who speaks about these things is vilified a la Watson or Summers or any number of others. Only a few academics, such as Nyborg, Lynn, Jensen, and Rushton, largely ignored by the public and deliberately ignored by the science media, discuss these things amongst themselves.
Furthermore, although we are constantly reminded of the need for smart, talented people, who strangely enough almost always seem to come from abroad, there's little recognition that a modern, industrial society is generally dependent on a certain level of average IQ, as opposed to specific industries. The message of IQ and the Wealth of Nations has not reached the public sphere and shows no sign of doing so.
Can anything be done at this point about the grim European (and American) future predicted by Nyborg? Well, as he says, this "may lead to Western submission or civil resistance"? I'll hazard a guess that the economic crisis may turn out to be the thing that turns this around. So much of Western displacement depends on money, make-work jobs, welfare. Already there are some (few) signs that Europeans are waking up, which would have remained on the slow burner absent the financial crisis.