
Topic: My 2018 portfolio - page 2. (Read 446 times)

Activity: 59
Merit: 0
January 08, 2018, 08:29:08 PM
I have been mining for some time now and trying to swing trade to build up a stable portfolio for this year.

I did some research and decided to diversify by investing in different types of projects/platforms.  

Platform tokens:

NEO - 1000$
EOS - 500$

Privacy Tokens:

Spectrecoin - 500$
Bitcoin Private - 1000$ or 4 coins whatever they priced at

Liquidity Tokens:

Air Swap - 500$
Stellar Lumens - 1000$
We trust - 500$

Other tokens:

Substratum - 500$
Opus - 500$
Authorship - 500$
Better Betting - 500$

Based on some research these all look like potentially legit projects Please let me know if this could be a potential winner portfolio this year and your thoughts Smiley
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