Is this a creative story or for real? I doubt you will bet such amount for that reason. If Im wrong here, you can show proofs here.
If ever that is real, then definitely you will win. It's hard to think that bitcoin will crash (as in zero value) in just 2 years. It's just 2 years away and for crash to happen it should be on slow phase. But like I said, it's difficulty to think of a reason for bitcoin to crash. Some are, goverments shut down bitcoin per country, no one uses bitcoin, bitcoin became illegal worldwide any many more. These kind of things have low change to happen.
Of course that is a creative story.
What I doubt is that he has 50.000$ to bet, which would mean that he has much more cash available. I wouldn't bet that amount unless I had 1.000.000$.
So, a person who has 50.000 to bet, at the same time is working here in a signature campaign for pennies. Apart from that, he doesn’t give any more explanation on how the winner is going to get the money.
It seems like that 50.000$ bet is going to be as if I bet 5$ or just a coffee with one of my friends.
The most likely scenario is that the story is made up to keep collecting pennies from the signature campaign.