I don't know if its safe to share it or not, if it's, I will do
At all.
I know, address that I've been using a lot, my primary address you can say.
I don't know what operating system and wallet software you use, what kind of other software you installed recently etc. There have been quite a number of cases where bitcoin wallets (even password protected ones) were being emptied using information gathered through some trojan/keylogger.
Alas, once your computer security is compromised, creating a safe wallet and transferring what's left in your current wallet there to save at least some bits is not so easy - you'd need to set up a second computer as safely as possible, generate a fresh wallet, and transfer your bitcoins there after your old wallet has caught up with the blockchain, so you don't generate invalid ("double spend") transactions.
Onkel Paul
I'm not hacked as the bitcoins is not decreased.
The Bticoin Core wallet contains at least 100 addresses. Most of them are hidden from you. When bitcoins are sent, an amount that exceeds the specified amount is removed from the address and the extra is sent to another address. Sometimes all of the bitcoins at an address are sent. Sometimes bitcoins will be sent from multiple addresses.
In the end, if your wallet says you have all your bitcoins, then you are probably ok, despite what you might see on blockchain.info.
That is not the most likely explanation. Note that he did not say he is missing bitcoins. He said that the address he looked up doesn't match the amount in his wallet. The most likely explanation is that the bitcoins are in other addresses in his wallet.
What you said here is also happening
But the issue is, blockchain was reading my address perfectly, now I even see transactions that I know nothing about.