As we know today globally currently is greatly lossing it value as a means of exchange. There by the world are gradually using cryptocurrency as a means of exchange both investors and trader. Am also opurtune to use Bitcoin as a means of exchange. I buy goods and pay with Bitcoin. So like I say in a little time cryptocurrency will be the only currency in digital market. So I urge every one of us to key into cryptocurrency as a means of exchange in any businesses we deal with.
It's actually a great idea to adopt Bitcoin as a payment method in our business but before we do that there are certain factors that we must consider before the implementation of it.
It's same thing as opening a wheelchair shop in a community that has zero amount of crippled people. If you want to introduce Bitcoin payment into your business the most important question you should ask your self is; the people that are going to patronize me, do they have any idea of what Bitcoin is? Or do they even understand how the whole Bitcoin transaction work? If the answer is
NEGATIVE then you can consider organizing a lecture on how to get started with Bitcoin you can teach them things like; how to buy Bitcoin, how to keep your Bitcoin safe ( things to consider when choosing a Bitcoin wallet) etcetera etcetera etcetera.
And in the process of all these you'll will end up building a relationship with them that will definitely affect your business positivity.