I'd like to introduce you to Stefanos Tsitsipas.
He's a top tennis player from Greece. He has been praised for achieving high ranking spots in international competitions at a fairly young age.
Funnily enough after his rise to stardom many issues arose also. Mr. Tsitsipas became notorious for one of his dogs injuring a child and him never acknowledging it or offering compensation, instead only battling the charge in court...
In the field Mr. Tsitsipas has been characterized as arrogant. Often seen throwing fits of rage, with his parents even being targets sometimes while attending his matches as part of the audience. Some in Greece have come to call him a textbook example of an arrogant rich boy. Because aside of his won rewards, through his upbringing his family was already quite wealthy.
Well, in terms of sport performance, while Tsitsipas is able to enter into top competitions, he almost always shies away from a top spot. Usually losing in semifinals or one of the steps close before reaching the final. For some reason he usually has bombastic performance when starting a match, but ends up losing in the end. I've been tracking his matches and betting against him. The odds are usually very favorable if you bet against him live, because he usually wins at the start only to lose the final sets.
Who knows, maybe one day Mr Tsitsipas will be able to calm his nerves, improve his attitude and finally conquer at least one tournament. But until then, betting against him can be quite profitable, and perhaps even pleasurable given his arrogance.
I don't say this in a bad way by the way, I truly wish him well, but it's sad to see a young man shout at his parents for simply being angry.
Here's my most recent bet with him:
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That's some extreme loser type a shit lol. Imagine having the world at the palm of your hands and still not being able to do anything with it. and to rub salt to the wound, he's not even that good with the one thing that he's clearly known for. Talk about some fucking sad type of shit.
The only thing that he can really do for himself at this point is to start off with a fresh slate, start training like crazy, become the best version of himself, as for his attitude, it would serve well for him to go to a therapist and have some form of intervention that would strip away all of that ego, he's still young yes, but it's one thing to have angst, it's another to be a general prick to the people you were supposed to be nice to.
Soon as he's able to do these, go lay-low, don't show up to the public, much better if you become even more secretive than you already are, public eye will always root for your downfall and if you let them have their way into your life they'll make the most out of it and fuck with your recovery.
I'm kinda rooting for this guy's recovery, but at the same time, if he ends up wasted then there's not really much we can do I guess.