But when the friend's father found out about this, he forbade him to invest in bitcoins and later predicted that he would be banned by the government and that he would have problems with his job. Yes but it is true that there is a possibility of loss if the government staff comes to know about this investment during government office.
Let him choose his own path and his investments, and I hope you don't feel responsible for your attempts to introduce bitcoin to your friends.
Ideally, it might be considered reckless in most cultures to not follow in the father's foot step, mostly as regards work and investment strategies, because the parents shape the economic view point of their children till adulthood when they earn for themselves. It would rather be wierd also if the father goes to work and the child stays back home to trade BTC. The father may think he is into internet fraud or scams if he isn't too enlightened to figure out.
Your friend has a future insight and that is why it is against his father's wish, because a slow and steady paycheck at the months ends is a successful endeavour compared to being subjected to price fluctuations, market trends and volatility affecting profits from an investment in Bitcoin.
Bitcoin investment is riskier compared to an investment with fiat that has been saved up or borrowed. However the view point, it is important your friend understand that not all your investment is family business. Some you got to do and find out for yourself, inorder to make it big time.