Great work luke-jr
I made some minor tweaks to the status display line to show three digits of precision on the display of reject and efficiency percentages.
A lot of times rejects is between %0 - %1 and being able to see the fraction of a percent is handy (well to me anyway..
here's and examples of the modified display...
[401.772 MH/s (~444 MH/s)] [Rej: 13/1635 (0.795%)] [GW: 2704 (Eff: 59.985%)]
and here's the diff of that implements it...
bigfoot@brontosaurus:~/bitcoin-luke-jrs-poclbm$ diff ../luke-jr-poclbm/bitcoin-luke-jrs-poclbm/
< eff = self.shareCount[1] * 100 / self.getworkCount
< self.say('[%.03f MH/s (~%d MH/s)] [Rej: %d/%d (%d%%)] [GW: %d (Eff: %d%%)]', (rate, round(estRate), self.shareCount[0], totShares, self.shareCount[0] * 100 / totSharesE, self.getworkCount, eff))
> eff = float(self.shareCount[1]) * 100 / float(self.getworkCount)
> self.say('[%.03f MH/s (~%d MH/s)] [Rej: %d/%d (%0.03f%%)] [GW: %d (Eff: %0.03f%%)]', (rate, round(estRate), self.shareCount[0], totShares, float(self.shareCount[0]) * 100 / float(totSharesE), self.getworkCount, eff))