-snip- having not-perfect grammar and punctuation is no problem at all. All that's important is that the reply/post is understandable enough.
Indeed. I agree that it is not a big problem as long as the post/reply is understandable. Having good grammar and punctuation is just an extra point for a poster.
Anyway, I wish you the best of luck to your journey to Full member!
Thank you, sir. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Great testimony Rengga Jati, thank you for sharing.
With my pleasure, buddy. I'm so glad if people can be motivated or inspired by my post. I always happy if I can contribute to help others.
Many new users often complain how difficult is to get merits and feel they deserve merits for their posts and feel angry because others don't think so.
Yeah, some people still debate about the difficulty in getting merits. However, it doesn't solve the problems. Even merit sources or sMerit holders probably bored with that complaint. So, it is better to stop it and try harder.
It's right way, please continue that way and other members will reward your effort and contribution.
Definitely. I will do my best and never stop to do efforts.
My merits was always greater than my activity. Even still now I have earned merit for Legendary but just lack of activity.
Only a few people can have higher merits than activity. Those are truly special members, including you sir. A lack of activity means your account age is still young, while your merit achievement shows that you have extensive knowledge. Incredible!!
some people become disappointed after made some post when they do not received merits. That thoughts is totally wrong, you should not give up. Who know when merits will come? Posting intention should not for merits, post should be useful and informative.
Yes, it is totally the wrong way. The focus must be on improving post quality, make it valuable (useful+informative). Merits will come when people think it is meritable, they shouldn't worry.
Keep it up op, hope very soon you will be Full member and if you continue your contribution it will not very hard to achieve Legendary rank.
I hope so. I will do my best to reach Full member this month. The next target is surely Sr - Legend. Even though it is hard, I will try with best efforts.
-snip- please always try to help newbies with your smerits.
Certainly. I have a plan to make a merit giveaway for JR & Newbie only. I'm still trying to collect an adequate amount. I will make it once I have collected more than 20.