That would be quite an interesting concept to do to print a paper wallet once a certain amount of coins has been received. And would reduce the amount of money lost from hacking once the node and mining hardware is operational.
However, again, that printer would require more electricity which may then make it less portable.
I also have beenunable to get the GPIO pins to work as well (apart from redirecting the power of oneof te pins to the USB sockets).
True, but maybe if I use one of those small printers used for receipts then it may use very little amount of power. I was thinking about using one of these: is a very small printer that uses its own battery for power. Basically, it is mainly used for printing receipts but I could make it to print small paper wallets in the form of a receipt containing both public and private keys. As for GPIOs, I think that it would be of no luck to try getting a GPU to work with it, which is why I think that it is best to stick onto external ASIC miners (or coin staking) at the moment on the Pi.
I have been looking at this concept for a few months to utilise some old mining gear, some minor solar panels (~200W in total) and establish some nodes (especially PoS wallets I have had for a few years).
Mind if I get some more data of you such as Pi OS & miner you are using?
The OS I'm using is the default Raspbian OS. It has been operating under default settings, using a 32GB microSD card as its storage. The Pi is powered via an external 10,000mah power bank and the connection to the Android tablet is done via USB tethering using a VNC app to connect to the Pi with an assigned static IP address (make sure to setup tightvncserver on your Pi for this) With the VNC, I can use the tablet as both display and input (mouse, keyboard) for the Pi.
I've only been using the Pi with ASIC miners that have very low hashrate, which only serves the purpose for fun and learning. CGMiner is the mining software I've been using for my block erupter miner, and now most recently an Antminer U3 I've bought used from ebay.
Just in case, here are the instructions to setup CGMiner on the Pi:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-1.0-0 libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses5-dev libudev-dev screen libtool automake pkg-config libjansson-dev screen
Clone cgminer from here:
git clone
type the following (input your own pool, username and password):
sudo ./cgminer -o POOL -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD