okay right now I am doing
1545 watts
13635 hash
room temp is 86/87
temp c
Voltage Offset(Default: 0)
Minimum Fan%(Range: 0-100, Default: 10%)
API Allow(Default: W:
More Options
so at the room temp of 86/87 my power use is terrible it is 1545 watts
If I open all doors to the outside dropping my room temps those watts drop fast real fast and hash stays the same.
But this won't work in the summer. if it is 95f. today it works as it is 55f.
So I am going to set
--avalon8-voltage-level +1
not --avalon8-voltage-level-offset -2
my reasoning is that currently 13640 hash at 1545 watts in an 86/87f room is not going to be worth doing.
megaquake's setting does work for me
I get 12968 and watts are 1492 in a warm room of 86/87f
bigger edit
--avalon8-voltage-level -1
oh the machine has turned in to a goddess of under clock yeah baby!
numbers are fucking great.
Going to do a you tube.
megaquake is a fucking genius. pointed me in the correct direction.Sent him some merit points.
pretty sure this setting will protect miner from a hot space during the summer.
So if you air cool your gear this miner would need the under clock during hot spells
latest you tube got good results megaquake is correct his setting works
look how low it is .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvWXJTYrW9othis should prevent summertime over heating for air cooled farms.
room temp of 67-70f 11900 hash 1178 watts
room temp of 81-82f 12141 hash 1308 watts
room temp of 83-84f 12295 hash 1326 watts
Temperature© 35 / 78 these are safe numbers
room temp of 86f 12591 hash 1348watts
Temperature© 37/80 still safe note the watts per gh are 0.107 spec is 0.099 but 86f is max room temp recommended I believe with this lower setting you can do more then 86f this setup is 197 watts less power and hash dropped a about 1000gh. getting that 1000h and spending 200 watts is not what I would do.
this is from the
process tab look for the info below
cgminer --lowmem --avalon8-fan 60-100 --avalon8-voltage-level-offset 0 -o stratum+tcp://pool.ckpool.org:333 -O 16yLHLoeyuCLPMXkVpC3gyrRYvwRGwjKJr.100:x -o stratum+tcp://mmpool.org:3333 -O philipma1957.A:1234 -o stratum+tcp://us1.bitminter.com:3333 -O philipma1957_west2:x --api-allow W: --api-listen --avalon8-voltage-level -1 --real-quiet
I tested the three below
--avalon8-voltage-level -1 works really well for me.
--avalon8-voltage-level +1 did not start
--avalon8-voltage-level +2 works
the key is to get a low one for hot temp days.
I will try
--avalon8-voltage-level -2 just because I think it would bullet proof miner on hottest days we have in NJ