The old advice of work harder to get richer! So full of bullshit it is
It is needed to keep slaves in shape, though. But unfortunately, that's not how the world works. Yeah, some of the richest people may have worked hard, but the reverse assumption is absolutely false - go to central africa to witness millions of people working extremely hard for cents per day; their prospects of becoming "rich" in western understanding of the term? zero. their only hope is to work extra hard to die from fatigue rather than hunger, that's the choice most (90+%) of the people on this planet have to make.
So back to sitting on ass all day getting rich - definitely, not the shortest route to success, but it works at least as often as hardworking. The only downside is, if it does not work out, you are very fucked; while with work, you can continue surviving on your minimal wage...
Spoken like a true bitcoiner - impractical and naive.
Most of the people get rich with hard work, only leaving out heirs and lottery winners. Even criminals work hard, although their hard work mostly involves facing the mirror.
In central Africa, skilled specialists are highly valued. The lack of properly educated workforce among the local population, is the thing that creates even higher demand for specialists. The problem with central Africa is the lack of educational opportunities. Even if people have the will for success, then rarely they will have the means for success. This isn't a problem in western countries, where education is valued higher and there are more opportunities to apply oneself, even if you come from a poor background.
Educational choices are often the first choices that a person makes, that will turn him into a loser. Already in youth, some people value obtaining knowledge and some people like to play video games, hang out at the mall, drink beer etc. Some people will choose the road of higher education, where they can build a foundation in obtaining a valued skill, but others see it as too hard work them, and they choose a job that doesn't need any special skills. And yes, there also are people who are talented enough to obtain a valued skill without the need of education, but in my experience, the amount of those is similar in becoming a lottery winner.
You need to be needed to become rich, and you aren't needed, if you can't offer anything. You can offer security, and become a thug or a military officer. You can offer illusions, and become a bitcoin salesman or a politician. Or you can offer your knowledge and experience, and become an entrepreneur in it's proper form.
Or.. you can also be the one, who needs others more, then others need him. Because that's exactly what you are, if you aren't professionally skilled in the modern world. Then you are like a grown up baby, who has to be nurtured by the society, that has been built by people who build things.