If you don't know what CoinChat is and/or what my story is, this explains it in detail.
This topic is self-moderated to prevent spam and advertising of referral links. I will not use this to shine on myself in a good light.I'm posting this here so other members of CoinChat can see it, and because TradeFortress blocked PMs from me.
I would like to be unbanned from CoinChat. Now I know I've said this 7 or so times, but please hear me out, and reply, instead of not responding like every other time.
I'm sorry for ban evading about 16 times, and for all the inconvenience I have caused.
I honestly believe that I am not a bad person, just I go a
little crazy sometimes, and do things which are stupid and reckless.
However, think long term. I've contributed to CoinChat. I made bots, helped fix bugs and vulnerabilities, and provided help and support.
Give me one last chance to prove that I'm not whatever you may think I am (negatively, that is).
Edit TradeFortress hasn't responded yet?!
Revision #2, dated July 14, 2013, 02:33:21 PM GMT.