guiminer has a scrypt version as well in alpha, it works great. its posted here on the forums, search 'guiminer scrypt'. it has prebuilt in settings for a majority of video cards, and both low and high usage settings for the top end cards (7950s included).
why u say that? i don't understand why(by monitor u mean the software that monitors right? like GPU-z, MSI afterburner, GPU-CAPS VIEWER and so on or the actuall monitor(LCD/LED)? i'm kinda confuse now ;s
thx for the help as always.
He's saying if you have a monitor (LCD) plugged into your gpu, it will cause artifacts. It really doesn't matter though, nothing will happen... Just set your monitor to sleep after a few minutes. Also, did you buy your GPU new? If so, OC them, you should have at least a year warranty on them, so if anything were to happen, you could return them. Try the settings that I have for cgminer, with all three cards, I'm getting an average of 1,800 Kh/s... That's 600 per card.